The Gospel of Inclusion
Jun 23, 2013What is an Inclusionist? In a nutshell, this warped theory has its contemarary origins in the New Age Movement. An Inclusionist does not believe in moral absolutes. As a result, they are tolerant of all “truth systems.” There is an obvious problem here. To say that there are no moral absolutes is an absolute in itself, which is self-contradictory.
When asked to comment on the words of our Christ, as found recorded in the Gospel according to St. John the 10th chapter and the sixteenth verse, one should always begin with the laws of theological interpretation. These principals of interpretation are taught throughout Bible schools in and out of this country. Keep in mind if one were to write a full dissertation on the pribncipals of election, covenantal, ethnic, and chronometrical principles the next several pages would cause a sudden desire upon you the reader to take a brief siesta. So let’s just remember the Word of God, which admonishes us never to adhere to any doctrine that cannot be confirmed except from the mouth of two to three witnesses. Let’s quickly view the book, chapter, and verse that are so often misused to justify a doctrine that has been called “INCLUSION.”
When Jesus said, “and other sheep I have which are not of this fold” Jesus was speaking to the Jews who had been frequently spoken of in scripture as God’s flock. When Jesus referenced, “other sheep I have that are not of this fold” the other sheep were gentiles. They are spoken of throughout the Old Testament as scattered sheep, and not as flocks.
When the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in the city of Ephesus, he gave witness to what Christ had said by stating in
Eph 2:16:
“And He designed to reconcile to God both Jew and Gentile united in a single body by the means of His cross, thereby killing the mutual enmity and bringing the feud to an end” [Amp]
One would find it absolutely impossible for any past or present theologian to not confirm this broad held position of Scripture. Allow me to quote from the great theologian and commentator Johnson who writes “not Jews of whom all His followers then were, but Gentiles who would soon be called to him. These would hear His voice, enter through the door into the same fold as the Jewish Christians, so that there would be one fold and one Shepherd.”There is only one church and one door into it, and one Shepard over it.
Time nor space would allow me to continue quoting from the sacred Bible nor take you on a journey through the Patristic period of our heritage, nor would it allow me to stop and rest in the reformation dispensation; no place other than the new age movement can one find the inclusion doctrine.
If our Savior is to be included with other religious belief systems, then He has either personally lied or was an absolute lunatic. After all, He is the one that stated to His creation, St. John 14:6 “I am the Way the Truth, and the Life. No man can come unto the Father, but by me.” Note, Jesus did not say as Oprah Winfrey and Carlton Pearson and other inclusionists that believe he was “A” way. He clearly states that He is “THE” way. The irony for anyone that adheres to the Holy Scripture as sacred would actually violate the very text itself if they selectively pick and choose the parts of scripture they deem as comfortable. The moment we drive the vehicle of our mind on that slippery pavement of ideology, we could be forced to discount the Bible in its entirety. After all, if there are no specifics as to in what manner a person must live, then why can’t we all live a life that we deem as good? If one holds to this bankrupt thought process, then all roads would lead to Heaven.
In conclusion, Jesus stated often that anyone that did not come through HIS door would be counted as a thief and a robber. He also said that these characters along with Satan would be thrown in a lake that would burn with fire eternally. If your leader does not have the backbone to proclaim Jesus as Lord of all, I beg you to adhere to the words of the Apostle Paul when writing to his spiritual son Timothy, “run away from these cantankerous men that are causing the faith of so many to shipwreck.” Paul said that he would apostolically deliver these teachers over to Satan. If Paul, being an apostle, moved with such swift judgment upon the men of his day, what do we think as New Testament believers Christ would do to those who are leading numerically even greater multitudes to a doctrine of despair.
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