Eight Questions About Race: A Black Pastor Responds to Black Lives Matter

By Bishop Aubrey Shines

Prominent black pastor Aubrey Shines sheds light on the difficult questions raised by the racial protests in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, proposing a Christian response to the agenda and claims of Black Lives Matter.

Is America really a racist society? Have we truly failed our African-American friends and neighbors on issues of equality and fairness? What is Black Lives Matter? Who are its leaders? What do they want? Does BLM really represent the interests of black Americans? Above all, what is the appropriate Christian response to the raging debate about race and justice in America?

These and other questions are addressed with clarity, sensitivity, deep knowledge of the subject, and a strong foundation in biblical faith by Bishop Aubrey Shines. This brief but informative book offers a guide and handy reference for pastors and congregants alike on how to think and talk about these profoundly challenging questions from a Christian perspective.

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HOMOSEXUALITY? Things That The Media Won’t Tell You!

By Bishop Aubrey Shines

homosexualityIn this timely and provocative book, Bishop Aubrey Shines focuses a spotlight on the gay agenda and the current status of legal efforts to legitimize same-sex marriage. He issues a clarion call to the church to get informed and to get involved.

With a well-reasoned and balanced perspective, Bishop Shines offers a cogent analysis of the contemporary debate including:

  • The insidious attempt of extremists to re-define marriage
  • Legal, political, social, moral, and religious implications of same-sex marriage
  • Intentional blurring and confusion between “civil rights” and “human rights”
  • Exposing the “myths” of same-sex marriage
  • Why Christians must become more educated and engaged to defend traditional marriage.

Homosexuality? will help you understand exactly how this is a watershed issue for the church today and why Christians must step forward and let their voices be heard!

Buy It  On Amazon Now!