Wisconsin Assemblyman receives hate-filled email
Aug 31, 2020FOX VALLEY, Wis. (WFRV) It’s been nearly sixty years since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s march in Washington, D.C. for racial equality.
Wisconsin Assemblyman David Bowen received a racist email littered with vile hateful language days after the unrest in Kenosha.
Assemblyman Bowen says, “I think it just shows the rawness and the intensity of the debate that we’re having right now.”
Bowen says this email is a reminder of why Dr. King marched and why protests must continue. “It is going against the people that have these views. It is going against folks that believe they are on the right side of history when it’s very clear they are on the wrong side of history.”
Unlike history some say today’s protests have become more violent.
Pastor Aubrey Shines, Founder of the Conservative Clergy of Color says, “In their own platform, some Black Lives Matters members have made it very very clear and that is we are here to disrupt, cause havoc.”
Some blame radical agitators who incite violence and destruction, which is in contrast to Dr. King’s philosophy of nonviolence and peace.
Pastor Shines says, “Instead of protesting like the old icons and civil rights leaders of the 60’s and 50’s black and white together that build America, changed laws; these individuals are not interested in changing laws. They’re interested in burning down tearing down and sowing these seeds of divisiveness.”
A recent Marquette Poll shows a drop in support for Black Lives Matter — from 61% in June to 48% in August because of the violence.”
I just think black and white brown together we must unite and say enough of the madness.
Local Five did reach out to several local Black Lives Matter activists but have not received a response.
Read original article: WeAreGreenbay
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